Fanbase partner with Biggleswade FC!

We are delighted to announce the launch of our latest partnership with Biggleswade as we continue to expand our presence in the Southern League!

By joining Fanbase, fans can now access an enhanced digital experience, bringing content, ticketing, and more into one convenient platform available on the web, mobile and tablet. Purchasing tickets has never been easier or faster, thanks to being one of the quickest on the market and giving fans the ability to store their tickets in the Fanbase account or their Apple or Google Wallets for instant access on match day.

This new partnership offers the club a significant opportunity to grow its marketing database and gain deeper insights into its Fanbase. Then, by leveraging multi-channel communications including integrated push notifications the club can engage with their fans more effectively, improving both their experience and engagement.

Additionally, thanks to our Meta and Google Analytics (GA) integration the club can not only create more personalised and effective marketing strategies but easily track and analyse the success of such campaigns in real-time, ensuring that any time or resource is used appropriately.

Fanbase head of growth Jerome McCarthy commented “We are excited to be working with Biggleswade and expanding our presence in the Southern League ahead of the 24/25 campaign, it’s set to be another extremely exciting season and we can’t wait to be a part of it”

Season tickets and match tickets for the first three home matches are now on sale through the Fanbase app on your Apple/Android device or by visiting

We are dedicated to transforming the sports industry by providing clubs with the tools they need to better understand and engage their fanbase. If you are interested in learning more about how Fanbase can help your club, don't hesitate to get in touch with us today. Our team is ready to get you set up in a matter of hours, so you can start reaping the benefits of our cutting-edge platform. Join today and take your club to the next level!


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